Explore the Best Free Online C++ Courses and Certifications in 2023, Syllabus, Books, and Benefits to help you choose the right program for your needs.
C++ Courses | Certifications | Syllabus | Books |
Why C++ Courses & Certifications Important?
"C++" is a computer programming language that is often used for building complex software systems, video games, operating systems, and high-performance applications that require fast execution and efficient memory usage. While C++ can be used for web development, it is not typically used for building websites directly. C++ Courses and certifications are important for several reasons:
- C++ Certifications can be advantageous during job interviews at preferred companies.
- C++ Certification helps in learning the new technologies, skills, and abilities for a specific promotion.
- A C++ certification course gives you a competitive advantage over others.
- It enhances prospects of promotion, raises and new job prospects.
- Keeps knowledge up to date.
C++ Courses & Certifications Topic & Syllabus?
Here is a general syllabus for learning C++ programming language:
- Introduction to C++:
- History and evolution of the language
- Basics of C++ syntax and structure
- Data types, variables, and constants
- Input/output operations
- Functions and function overloading
- Control Structures:
- Decision making and branching (if/else, switch/case)
- Looping structures (for, while, do-while)
- Jump statements (break, continue, goto)
- Arrays and Pointers:
- Declaring and initializing arrays
- Array manipulation and sorting
- Pointer variables and pointer arithmetic
- Dynamic memory allocation
- Classes and Objects:
- Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
- Defining classes and objects
- Access modifiers (public, private, protected)
- Constructors and destructors
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Exception Handling:
- Handling runtime errors
- Types of exceptions (standard and user-defined)
- try-catch block
- Rethrowing exceptions and exception specifications
- File Handling:
- Creating and opening files
- Reading and writing to files
- File pointers and operations
- Exception handling in file operations
- Standard Template Library (STL):
- Containers (vectors, arrays, lists, maps, sets)
- Algorithms (sorting, searching, transforming)
- Iterators (input, output, forward, bidirectional, random access)
- Advanced Concepts:
- Templates and generic programming
- Namespaces and using directive
- Operator overloading and type conversion
- Preprocessor directives
- Multi-threading and concurrency
Best C++ Books (High User Rating)
We recommend top C++ books to aid in learning C++ knowledge.
Useful Important Links
Important Links For C++ Courses & Certifications 2023
1. Over All Best High Rated Coursera C++ Courses
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- Best Courses With Certifications (C++ for Intermediate) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (C++ for Advanced) - Check Now
2. Check Highest 4.5+ Rating C++ Courses With Certifications - Check Now
3. Best C++ Class Enroll Now - Check Now
4. C++ Hands‑On Classes (Book Top Teacher) - Check Now