Explore the Best Free Online C Language Courses and Certifications in 2023, Syllabus, Books, and Benefits to help you choose the right program for your needs.
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Why C Language Courses & Certifications Important?
The C Language is a computer programming language that is often used to develop software applications, operating systems, and embedded systems.
C Language Courses and certifications are important for several reasons:
- C Language Certifications can be advantageous during job interviews at preferred companies.
- C Language Certification helps in learning the new technologies, skills, and abilities for a specific promotion.
- A C Language certification course gives you a competitive advantage over others.
- It enhances prospects of promotion, raises and new job prospects.
- Keeps knowledge up to date.
C Language Courses & Certifications Topic & Syllabus?
Here is a general syllabus for learning C Language:
Week 1: Introduction to C Language
- C Language basics: Data types, Variables, Constants, Operators, Expressions
- Input and Output operations: printf() and scanf()
- Control flow statements: if-else, switch, while, do-while, for loops
Week 2: Functions and Arrays
- C Functions: Function declaration and definition, Call by value and call by reference, Recursion
- Arrays: One-dimensional arrays, Multidimensional arrays, Strings
- Pointers: Pointer basics, Pointer arithmetic, Passing pointers to functions
Week 3: C Language Programming Constructs
- Structures: Definition, Declaration, Initialization, Accessing members, and Pointers to structures
- Unions: Definition, Declaration, Initialization, Accessing members
- Bitwise Operators: AND, OR, XOR, Left Shift, Right Shift, NOT
- File Handling: File operations, File modes, File pointers
Week 4: Dynamic Memory Allocation and Linked Lists
- Dynamic Memory Allocation: malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), free()
- Linked Lists: Singly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Linked Lists
Week 5-6: C Language Advanced Topics
- Recursion: Fibonacci series, Factorial, GCD, Towers of Hanoi
- Sorting and Searching algorithms: Linear Search, Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort
- Memory management and Error Handling: Heap and Stack memory, Segmentation Faults, and Debugging techniques
Week 7-8: Advanced C Programming
- Function Pointers: Definition, Syntax, and Usage
- Pointers to Pointers: Definition, Syntax, and Usage
- Command Line Arguments: argc and argv
- Advanced File Handling: Binary files, Text files, Reading and Writing files
9-10: C Language Project Development
- Introduction to Project Development in C Language
- Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
- Designing and implementing a C Language project
- Testing and Debugging techniques
- Version Control Systems: Git and GitHub
Week 11-12: C Language Best Practices and Optimization
- Code Optimization: Memory optimization, Time optimization, and Space optimization
- Best practices in C Language programming: Coding standards, Documentation, and Code Review
- Multi-threading and Concurrency: Basics of threads, Thread synchronization, and Mutexes
Best C Language Books (High User Rating)
We recommend top C Language books to aid in learning C Language knowledge.
Useful Important Links
Important Links For C Language Courses & Certifications 2023
1. Over All Best High Rated Coursera C Language Courses
- Best Courses With Certifications (C Language for beginners) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (C Language for Intermediate) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (C Language for Advanced) - Check Now
2. Check Highest 4.5+ Rating C Language Courses With Certifications - Check Now
3. Best C Language Class Enroll Now - Check Now
4. C Language Hands‑On Classes (Book Top Teacher) - Check Now