Explore the Best Free Online iOS Development Courses and Certifications in 2023, Syllabus, Books, and Benefits to help you choose the right program for your needs.
iOS Development Courses | Certifications | Syllabus | Books |
Why iOS Development Courses & Certifications Important?
iOS Development is a the process of creating applications that run on Apple's iOS operating system, using programming languages like Swift or Objective-C. iOS Development Courses and certifications are important for several reasons:
- iOS Development Certifications can be advantageous during job interviews at preferred companies.
- iOS Development Certification helps in learning the new technologies, skills, and abilities for a specific promotion.
- A iOS Development certification course gives you a competitive advantage over others.
- It enhances prospects of promotion, raises and new job prospects.
- Keeps knowledge up to date.
iOS Development Courses & Certifications Topic & Syllabus?
Here is a general syllabus for learning iOS Development:
Week 1: Introduction to iOS Development
- Overview of iOS platform and architecture
- Introduction to Xcode
- Basic iOS app components
- Setting up your development environment
Week 2: User Interface Design
- User interface design principles and best practices
- Layouts and controls
- Designing for different screen sizes and resolutions
- Working with images and media
Week 3: Data Management and Storage
- Introduction to CoreData framework
- Working with table views and collection views
- Using web services and APIs
- Accessing data from the internet
Week 4: Advanced iOS Development
- Advanced user interface design and animations
- Using third-party libraries and frameworks
- Working with background tasks and threads
- Debugging and testing your application
Week 5: Publishing and Monetizing Your Application
- Publishing your app on the App Store
- Monetizing your app through ads and in-app purchases
- Best practices for marketing and promoting your app
- Analyzing and optimizing your app performance
Best iOS Development Books (High User Rating)
We recommend top iOS Development books to aid in learning iOS Development knowledge.
Useful Important Links
Important Links For iOS Development Courses & Certifications 2023
1. Over All Best High Rated Coursera iOS Development Courses
- Best Courses With Certifications (iOS Development for beginners) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (iOS Development for Intermediate) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (iOS Development for Advanced) - Check Now
2. Check Highest 4.5+ Rating iOS Development Courses With Certifications - Check Now
3. Best iOS Development Class Enroll Now - Check Now
4. iOS Development Hands‑On Classes (Book Top Teacher) - Check Now