Explore the Best Free Online Swift Courses and Certifications in 2023, Syllabus, Books, and Benefits to help you choose the right program for your needs.
Swift Courses | Certifications | Syllabus | Books |
Why Swift Courses & Certifications Important?
Swift is a computer programming language often used to build Software Applications for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS platforms. Swift Courses and certifications are important for several reasons:
- Swift Certifications can be advantageous during job interviews at preferred companies.
- Swift Certification helps in learning the new technologies, skills, and abilities for a specific promotion.
- A Swift certification course gives you a competitive advantage over others.
- It enhances prospects of promotion, raises and new job prospects.
- Keeps knowledge up to date.
Swift Courses & Certifications Topic & Syllabus?
Here is a general syllabus for learning Swift:
Week 1: Introduction to Swift
- Overview of Swift programming language and its features
- Basic syntax and data types
- Control structures and conditional statements
Week 2: Functions and Classes
- Functions and their parameters
- Classes, properties, and methods
- Inheritance and polymorphism
Week 3: UIKit Framework
- Overview of UIKit framework
- Creating user interfaces using Storyboard and Interface Builder
- Navigation and tab bar controllers
Week 4: Table Views and Collection Views
- Creating table views and collection views
- Customizing cells and headers
- Handling user interactions
Week 5: Persistence and Networking
- Data persistence using Core Data
- Networking with URLSession and Codable
- Handling errors and exceptions
Week 6: Advanced Topics
- Advanced iOS development concepts, such as threading and concurrency
- Best practices for iOS development
- App submission and distribution
Best Swift Books (High User Rating)
We recommend top Swift books to aid in learning Swift knowledge.
Useful Important Links
Important Links For Swift Courses & Certifications 2023
1. Over All Best High Rated Coursera Swift Courses
- Best Courses With Certifications (Swift for beginners) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (Swift for Intermediate) - Check Now
- Best Courses With Certifications (Swift for Advanced) - Check Now
2. Check Highest 4.5+ Rating Swift Courses With Certifications - Check Now
3. Best Swift Class Enroll Now - Check Now
4. Swift Hands‑On Classes (Book Top Teacher) - Check Now